Join our Discord Community! Connect your account to our Discord channel by clicking the button below. Your membership tier on our website will give you access to private areas of our Discord. You must click the button below to sync your account to Discord in order to gain access to these private areas. Make sure you are logged into your account on this website before clicking the button below, or your website account will not correctly sync to your Discord account. This means you won’t gain access to the private areas of Discord that come with your Membership. By joining our Discord server, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Join our Discord by clicking the button below: Join discord What private areas of Discord does my account give me access to? [go_pricing id=”basic03″] Troubleshooting I can’t see the button I need to click to join your Discord server. What should I do? This problem is usually caused if you have already joined our server. If this is the case and you’re trying to gain access to the private areas that come with your membership, all you need to do is leave the server and log out of your Discord account. Then return to this web page, refresh the page and the button should appear. Click the button to sync your website account with your Discord account. You should now have access to all private areas that come with your Membership. Join our Discord by clicking the button below: Join discord I don’t have access to the private areas of Discord that I should have with my Membership. What should I do? This problem is usually caused by your website account not being synced with your Discord account. To fix the problem, go to Discord and leave our server. Then log out of Discord. Return to this website. Refresh this page and click the button below. Your website account should now be linked to your Discord account and you should have access to all areas of Discord that comes with your Membership. Join our Discord by clicking the button below: Join discord I can’t see the button I need to click to connect my website account with my Discord account. What should I do? This problem is caused when you’ve already joined our Discord server, but your website account is not correctly synced with your Discord account. To fix this problem, leave our Discord server and log out of your Discord account. Then come back to this page, refresh the page and the button should appear. Then click the button and sign into your Discord account. You should then have access to all private areas that come with your Membership. I just purchased a Membership on your website. How do I get access to the private areas of your Discord server? Click the button below to sync your account on this website with your Discord account. You will then gain access to the private areas of our Discord that come with your Membership. If you cannot see the button below, you have probably already joined our Discord server. All you need to do to gain access to the private areas is to leave our Discord server, log out of Discord, return to this page, refresh the page, and then the button to sync your website account with your Discord account should appear below. Join our Discord by clicking the button below: Join discord [mnky_button title=”Contact us” bg_color=”#2ca5e0″ color=”#ffffff” bg_hover_color=”flat-green” center_element=”button-center-align” icon_type=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-info-circle” link=”|title:Contact%20Us”]