Even Money Bets Allsopp Uncategorized March 27, 2020 Cage Warriors 113 could be the last MMA event that we get to bet on until UFC 249, which is scheduled to take place in 4 weeks' time. Let's make the most of this opportunity to bet on some fights... You must be a paid member to access Allsopp's Even Money Bets Please select one of the options below to gain instant access. [mnky_pricing_box title="Elite Membership" price="199" after_price="/month" meta="Cancel anytime" link_position="cta" cta_bg="#f9faff" hover_effect="box-effect-2" effect_active="box-effect-active" cta="Learn more" link="url:https%3A%2F%2Fmmabettingtips.com%2Felite-membership%2F|title:Learn%20more%20about%20our%20Elite%20Membership||"][/mnky_pricing_box][mnky_pricing_box title="VIP Membership" price="19.99" after_price="/month" meta="Cancel anytime" link_position="cta" bg_color="#a8ed80" cta_bg="#bdeda1" hover_effect="box-effect-2" effect_active="box-effect-active" cta="Learn more" link="url:https%3A%2F%2Fmmabettingtips.com%2Fvip-membership%2F|title:Learn%20more%20about%20our%20VIP%20Membership||"][/mnky_pricing_box] - Share on Facebook Share on X