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Allsopp’s Live Betting Tips are one of the best investments you’ll ever make…

Allsopp harnesses the power of Live Betting and 10 years of MMA experience to help you earn life changing amounts of money…

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Allsopp’s highly profitable Live Betting Tips enable you to make big money betting on MMA.

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Gain instant access to Betting Tips in written and video format for every UFC event.

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Our VIP Chatroom is a great place to discuss betting with other members of the community.

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Allsopp breaks down fights from a betting perspective while they’re happening with his fight commentary.

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Allsopp’s Fight Research Livestreams document the reasoning for each bet in tons of detail.

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Our Members Area contains a range of tools and resources that you can use to make money betting on MMA.

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Allsopp produces a short video breaking down each UFC fight from a betting perspective.

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Our Member Only videos focus on the deeper aspects of gambling such as Bankroll Management & betting strategy.

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Did you miss one of Allsopp’s Daily Livestreams? No problem. You can watch them anytime in the Livestream archive.

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Livebetting changed my life

The words “life-changing” get thrown around a lot, but when I started to Livebet on the UFC, it was truly life-changing for me.

I was broke when I first started to Livebet. I was 23 years old, working a job in a Supermarket on minimum wage that I hated, and to make things even more complicated; my Girlfriend got pregnant! I was drowning in a lot of debt, and now I had a family to support. At the time, I had no disposable income, so it felt like there was no way for me to dig myself out of a hole! I felt trapped and quite honestly a bit of a failure.

Trying to improve my life through gambling probably wasn’t a smart thing to do given the statistics, but back then, I was young and didn’t know what else to do. On the one hand, turning to gambling when I was in such a bad way was a terrible idea, but I was so determined to build a better future for my newborn Son that failure wasn’t really an option. Maybe I got lucky, or maybe I would have been successful at anything I threw myself into at that time. I’ve never been so motivated.

I became profitable Livebetting on the UFC almost straight away, and within 2 years, I managed to turn just £200 into over £40,000. This enabled me to clear my debts and get the money for a down payment on a house. A few years after that I built up the courage to finally quit my job and become a Pro Gambler.

Livebetting on MMA really is incredible. I highly recommend that you give it a try.

Chris Allsopp
Professional Gambler and Owner of

(Singapore, 2019)

(Rome, Italy 2017)

Allsopp has a long history of making money betting on MMA…

Many people think that being a Pro Gambler is easy. You just walk into a Casino with a bag full of money and make Millions. Unfortunately, it’s a lot more complicated than that, especially when you’re betting on MMA.

On my Youtube Channel, I share with you what it’s really like to earn a living from betting on MMA. It involves many hours of research and having to play a constant game of Cat and Mouse with betting websites that do everything they can to shut you down when you start to make a profit…

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The numbers don’t lie…

I started betting on MMA over 10 years ago and quickly realized that I was onto something when I became profitable in a very short space of time.

After a couple of years of consistently grinding out profits, I inevitably had my first betting account closed for making too much money. At the time, I had no idea that betting sites did this, but quickly learned that it’s a Dirty Little Secret within the Gambling industry. I made a video explaining more about this topic on my Youtube Channel. Click here to check it out.

To fight back, I launched this website because I figured that it would be a great way for me to draw attention to the unethical business practices within the Gambling Industry, and it’d also be a great way for me to help other people make money.

The website started out as a small Betting blog and has now evolved into a betting community with members who have been with me for years.

I never set out to be a Professional Gambler, but I fell into this and I wouldn’t change it for the world. We’ve been consistently making money since the website launched, and we’ll continue to grind out profits for many years to come.

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Live Betting Tips

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[mnky_content_box static_shadow=”shadow” css_animation=”none” background=”#ffffff” custom_static_shadow=”0 17px 35px rgba(74, 74, 115, 0.1),0px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,.07)” border_radius=”10px”][mpc_testimonial author_font_preset=”preset_0″ author_font_color=”#0b3b5b” author_font_size=”18″ author=”seusicha -” url_font_preset=”preset_1″ url_font_color=”#a1a1a1″ url_font_size=”16″ url=”|title:View%20profile||” testimonial_font_preset=”preset_2″ testimonial_font_color=”#666677″ testimonial_font_size=”16″ thumbnail=”38343″ thumbnail_size=”70×70″ thumbnail_border_divider=”true” thumbnail_border_css=”border-radius:5px;” thumbnail_padding_divider=”true” thumbnail_padding_css=”padding-right:10px;” border_divider=”true” padding_divider=”true” margin_divider=”true”]I’ve been a member for a little more than two years now. I didn’t know anything about betting before that. Thanks to this website and Allsopp’s tips I’m planning to buy a house next year. [/mpc_testimonial][/mnky_content_box]
[mnky_content_box static_shadow=”shadow” css_animation=”none” css_animation_delay=”delay-200″ background=”#ffffff” custom_static_shadow=”0 17px 35px rgba(74, 74, 115, 0.1),0px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,.07)” border_radius=”10px”][mpc_testimonial author_font_preset=”preset_0″ author_font_color=”#0b3b5b” author_font_size=”18″ author=”ginko -” url_font_preset=”preset_1″ url_font_color=”#a1a1a1″ url_font_size=”16″ url=”|title:View%20profile||” testimonial_font_preset=”preset_2″ testimonial_font_color=”#666677″ testimonial_font_size=”16″ thumbnail=”33818″ thumbnail_size=”70×70″ thumbnail_border_divider=”true” thumbnail_border_css=”border-radius:5px;” thumbnail_padding_divider=”true” thumbnail_padding_css=”padding-right:10px;” border_divider=”true” padding_divider=”true” margin_divider=”true”]I’ve been an Elite Member for about 6 months now. I’m not exaggerating when I say the live betting tips are the closest thing to free money I have ever seen. It honestly doesn’t feel like gambling at all. If you want to grow your bankroll fast, I would definitely recommend trying out an Elite membership for a while.[/mpc_testimonial][/mnky_content_box]
[mnky_content_box static_shadow=”shadow” css_animation=”none” css_animation_delay=”delay-100″ background=”#ffffff” custom_static_shadow=”0 17px 35px rgba(74, 74, 115, 0.1),0px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,.07)” border_radius=”10px”][mpc_testimonial author_font_preset=”preset_0″ author_font_color=”#0b3b5b” author_font_size=”18″ author=”le_me -” url_font_preset=”preset_1″ url_font_color=”#a1a1a1″ url_font_size=”16″ url=”|title:View%20profile||” testimonial_font_preset=”preset_2″ testimonial_font_color=”#666677″ testimonial_font_size=”16″ thumbnail=”37669″ thumbnail_size=”70×70″ thumbnail_border_divider=”true” thumbnail_border_css=”border-radius:5px;” thumbnail_padding_divider=”true” thumbnail_padding_css=”padding-right:10px;” border_divider=”true” padding_divider=”true” margin_divider=”true”]When I started live betting it blew my mind how much money we make. If you always stick to Allsopp’s tips I can guarantee you will make money long term! The money we make easily pays for the subscription.[/mpc_testimonial][/mnky_content_box]
[mnky_content_box static_shadow=”shadow” css_animation=”none” css_animation_delay=”delay-300″ background=”#ffffff” custom_static_shadow=”0 17px 35px rgba(74, 74, 115, 0.1),0px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,.07)” border_radius=”10px”][mpc_testimonial author_font_preset=”preset_0″ author_font_color=”#0b3b5b” author_font_size=”18″ author=”mrtauren -” url_font_preset=”preset_1″ url_font_color=”#a1a1a1″ url_font_size=”16″ url=”|title:View%20profile||” testimonial_font_preset=”preset_2″ testimonial_font_color=”#666677″ testimonial_font_size=”16″ thumbnail=”33818″ thumbnail_size=”70×70″ thumbnail_border_divider=”true” thumbnail_border_css=”border-radius:5px;” thumbnail_padding_divider=”true” thumbnail_padding_css=”padding-right:10px;” border_divider=”true” padding_divider=”true” margin_divider=”true”]The fight commentary has changed my life. Allsopp’s alternate commentary is much, much more informative than the official commentators for the UFC. He gives his commentary from a betting perspective and you can use it to learn more about the sport and lock in the live betting tips very quickly.[/mpc_testimonial][/mnky_content_box]
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Still not sure?

Below are some questions that we frequently get asked by new members. If you can’t find the answer to your question please don’t hesitate to contact us on our Chat Room or Forums.

[mnky_service icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-question-circle” title=”Do you issue refunds?” icon_color=”#ccedb8″]Of course! If you are unhappy for any reason, just contact us and we’d be happy to give you a refund.[/mnky_service]
[mnky_service icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-question-circle” title=”Does it matter where I live?” icon_color=”#ccedb8″]Unfortunately it does. Some countries are better for Live Betting than others. Europe, Canada, Brazil, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand are the best countries to take advantage of our Live Betting Tips. If you live outside of these countries you should check what betting websites are available in your region before signing up. [/mnky_service]
[mnky_service icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-question-circle” title=”How can you give Live Tips without the odds becoming suspended?” icon_color=”#ccedb8″]Our Fight Commentary and Audio Live Betting Tips are broadcast in real time, with zero delay. This enables you to lock in your Live Bets very quickly, before the odds move too much or before the line can become suspended. The odds are constantly changing in Live Betting, but our method enables you to consistently lock in bets at very good odds. You won’t fully appreciate the power of our system until you give it a try. It’s hard to describe how everything works. You have to see it for yourself in action. [/mnky_service]
[mnky_service icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-question-circle” title=”How do you deal with betting limitations?” icon_color=”#ccedb8″]Do some research on “Gnoming” and “Multi accounting”. This will answer your question.[/mnky_service]
[mnky_service icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-question-circle” title=”Are your reviews written by real people?” icon_color=”#ccedb8″]Of course they are! Why not spend some time in our Chat Room and Forums to get to know them better? There are always people online talking about upcoming fights. [/mnky_service]
[mnky_service icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-question-circle” title=”What is so special about your fight commentary during UFC events?” icon_color=”#ccedb8″]I give out my Live Betting Tips during my fight commentary. This enables you to lock in your live bets very quickly before the odds can decline or become suspended. My fight commentary also breaks down the UFC action from a betting perspective. My fight commentary also goes into much more depth than the UFC commentators.[/mnky_service]
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