-UncategorizedProp Bets for UFC 195 – Condit vs LawlerProp bets are a great way to turn a little bit of money into a lot of money. I place a ton of small prop bets on every UFC event and most of the time they return a very nice... January 2, 2016Read more
-UncategorizedVIP Betting Tips, Picks & Predictions for UFC 195 – Condit vs LawlerUFC 195 is the first major MMA event in 2016 and I expect to kick off the year with a big profit. The Oddsmakers must still be suffering from a Christmas hangover, because some of the odds on this event... December 31, 2015Read more
-UncategorizedFree Betting Tips, Picks & Predictions for UFC 195 – Condit vs LawlerUFC 195 is the first major MMA event of 2016 and I expect to start the year by making a big profit. The oddsmakers must be suffering from a Christmas hangover because some of the odds on this event are... December 31, 2015Read more