-UncategorizedProp Bets for UFC Fight Night BerlinProposition bets are a great way to turn a little bit of money into a lot of money. I place a ton of small prop bets on every UFC event and most of the time they return a very nice... June 20, 2015Read more
-UncategorizedBetting Tips & Picks for UFC Fight Night BerlinUFC Fight Night Berlin is a difficult event to bet on because it’s packed full of fighters who are inconsistent or fighting in the UFC for the first time. This means I’ve had to take extra caution with my bets... June 19, 2015Read more
-UncategorizedPremium Betting Tips & Picks for UFC Fight Night BerlinMy strategy for winning money on UFC Fight Night Berlin consists of betting on 3 fighters who each hold significant advantages over their opponents. Many of the fights on this event could go either way, but I believe that I’ve... June 19, 2015Read more