VIP Betting Tips, Picks & Predictions for UFC 193 – Rousey vs Holm Allsopp Uncategorized November 13, 2015 I’d like to start by saying a big thankyou to all of our new VIP Members. We’ve had a lot of new people join us over the last couple of weeks and I’m really looking forward to getting to know you guys better in the forums and chat room. I really appreciate you putting your… You must be a paid member to access this content Please select one of the options below to gain instant access. [mnky_pricing_box title="Live Betting Tips" price="50" after_price="from" meta="One time payment" link_position="cta" cta_bg="#f9faff" hover_effect="box-effect-2" effect_active="box-effect-active" cta="Learn more" link="|title:Learn%20more%20about%20Live%20Betting||"] Purchasing Allsopp's Live Betting Tips gives you instant access to: [mnky_list_item icon_type="typicons" icon_typicons="typcn typcn-stopwatch"]Highly profitable Live Betting Tips[/mnky_list_item][mnky_list_item icon_type="typicons" icon_typicons="typcn typcn-microphone"]Alternative fight commentary during MMA events[/mnky_list_item][mnky_list_item icon_type="typicons" icon_typicons="typcn typcn-messages"]Fight Research Livestreams and VIP Chat Room[/mnky_list_item][mnky_list_item icon_type="typicons" last_item="last" icon_typicons="typcn typcn-chart-area"]Prefight VIP Betting Tips[/mnky_list_item][/mnky_pricing_box][mnky_pricing_box title="VIP Membership" price="31" after_price="/month" meta="Cancel anytime" link_position="cta" bg_color="#a8ed80" cta_bg="#bdeda1" hover_effect="box-effect-2" effect_active="box-effect-active" cta="Learn more" link="|title:Learn%20more%20about%20our%20VIP%20Membership||"] A VIP Membership gives you instant access to prefight Betting Tips from a Professional Gambler with a proven track record of making money betting on MMA. [/mnky_pricing_box] UFC 193 - Share on Facebook Share on X